Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Teachers University of Gour Banga, Details Here - WBSSC

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Sunday, 15 December 2024

Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Teachers University of Gour Banga, Details Here

Assistant Professor Recruitment

Geuest Teacher Recruitment: Good news for job seekers. University of Gour Banga will recruit guest teachers. A Walk-in-Interview will be held to engage Guest Teachers in the following Departments: 1. Chemistry [01 (One) No.]. 2. Food and Nutrition [01 (One) No.]. 3. Journalism and Mass Communication [01 (One) No.]. 4. History [01 (One) No.]. 5. Library and Information Science [01 (One) No.]. 6. Physiology [01 (One) No.]. 

Essential Qualification: As per UGC Regulations - Master’s Degree with minimum 55% marks (Relaxation as per Govt. Rules) and NET/SET Qualified in relevant Subject. Desirable Qualifications: Experience of teaching at the Undergraduate (UG) / Postgraduate (PG) Level. 

Job Description: (i) The position involves teaching in relevant subjects in an offline mode. (ii) Any other academic activities of the department as assigned by the Head / Coordinator of the Department concerned or any competent authority of the University. Remuneration: (i) ₹ 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) will be paid for each class subject to a maximum of 20 classes per semester per month. (ii) No TA & DA and / or any other allowances will be provided for attending the institute. 

Interview Process: The willing candidates are requested to bring all their testimonials in original with one set of self-attested photocopies of the same at the time of interview for verification and evaluation alongwith an application and Biodata / CV addressed to the Registrar (Addl. Charge), University of Gour Banga, Malda. 

The Walkin-Interview will be held as per following Date: 

01. Chemistry 

02. Food and Nutrition 

03. Physiology 

04. Journalism and Mass Communication 

05. Library and Information Science 

06. History 

Walkin-Interview will be held on 20.12.2024 

N.B.: The candidate should also carry a valid ID proof and should report at the venue 01 (One) hour before the schedule time. 


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