A big change is coming to the appointment of professors in colleges and universities! Chairman Jagdesh Kumar said about the big step of UGC - WBSSC

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Thursday, 14 November 2024

A big change is coming to the appointment of professors in colleges and universities! Chairman Jagdesh Kumar said about the big step of UGC

UGC, Professor Recruitment

UGC, Professor Recruitment: The University Grants Commission (UGC) is in the process of bringing changes in the rules for appointment of professors in colleges and universities (HEIs).  After this change, postgraduates who are passionate about new fields such as entrepreneurship, startups and industrial partnerships can directly be employed as faculty at HEIs.  At present, these recruitments are conducted as per the 2018 UGC regulations which prescribe certain conditions and minimum qualifications for recruitment of teachers and other academic staff.

What are the expected changes?

According to UGC Chairman Mamidala Jagdesh Kumar, the new norms will focus more on producing workforce-rich graduates, making them skilled as needed in today's times. 

The proposed changes will force more emphasis on research so that teachers can contribute innovatively.  UGC wants faculty members to be able to adopt new educational approaches, blend technology, introduce experiential learning conditions and change the educational system.

Mr. Kumar said in an article, "Unfortunately, in the current system in Indian higher education institutions, faculty recruitment and evaluation prioritizes publications and shackles applicants within strict disciplinary boundaries. The selection process reduces their academic contribution to numerical complexity. A balanced approach to faculty recruitment and evaluation  The approach is urgently needed. Faculty members will then be motivated to commit to a wider range of activities that benefit the university and society."  The UGC has also posted about the proposed changes to its X Handle.

What other academic changes are coming?

As per the existing norms, the minimum qualification for appointment to the post of professor is to have a four-year graduation/PhD with PG.  Apart from this, graduation/post graduation and PhD in the same subject is mandatory.

However, this system is changing.  A detailed review has been carried out over the last six months, and a draft has been prepared, which will soon be released to the public for feedback.

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