Teacher Recruitment: 7279 special teachers will be recruited, these candidates can apply - WBSSC

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Saturday, 14 September 2024

Teacher Recruitment: 7279 special teachers will be recruited, these candidates can apply

Teacher Recruitment Ramakrishnan Mission

Bihar Teacher Recruitment: 7279 teachers will be recruited to teach children with special needs in different districts of Bihar.  All of them will be special teachers, who will be skilled in teaching children with disabilities.  These special teachers will be recruited for 5534 posts in primary (classes I to V) and 1745 posts in secondary schools (classes VI to VIII).

They will be recruited through Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC). The preparation of the education department for the recruitment of these posts is at the final stage.  The department is trying to send requisitions to BPSC for recruitment to these posts through General Administration Department as soon as possible.  Then commission will advertise.  Only candidates who have passed the Teacher Eligibility Test can apply for these posts.

Officials say in this regard, they will be appointed for nine types of children with special needs.  There will be separate specialist teachers for children who are blind or visually impaired.  Similarly these teachers will teach other children with special needs.  Currently there is no facility to teach such children in schools.  Districts have special arrangements for this, where children are taught.  But now this arrangement can be done at the school level.

How many vacancies for any department?

According to the information obtained from the Department of Education, there are 5 thousand 534 posts of teachers from 1st to 5th class and 1 thousand 745 for 6th to 8th class.

Director of Primary Education Mithilesh Mishra has directed all district education officers to clear the roster.  As per instructions all the posts will be of basic category.

Roster clearance is being discussed

Roster clearance has been asked as per 50 percent reservation.  50 percent of the total posts of special teachers will be reserved for women.  50 percent reservation will be given to women category in these appointments.

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