Recruitment Rules of Assistant Headmaster/ Headmistress of Secondary/ Higher Secondary Schools & Madrasahs - WBSSC

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Recruitment Rules of Assistant Headmaster/ Headmistress of Secondary/ Higher Secondary Schools & Madrasahs

Recruitment Rules of Assistant Headmaster/ Headmistress

Recruitment Rules of Assistant Headmaster/ Headmistress

Recruitment Rules of Assistant Headmaster/ Headmistress

KOLKATA-700 091

No. 1628-GA/OM-18/2001 Dated, Kolkata, the 10th July, 2002.

Guidelines for recruitment of Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress of Recognised Aided Non-Govt. Secondary Schools/ Higher Secondary Schools, Govt. Sponsored School and all types of Recognised & Aided Madrasahs in terms of Notification No. 151-L dated 25.01.2002 and Notification No. 811-SE(S) dated 17.06.2002, Published in Kolkata Gazette


The post of Assistant Headmaster/Assistant Headmistress shall be filled-up by the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee/ Administrator from amongst the sanctioned strength of the teaching staff with prior permission of the Dist. Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education) of the respective district against a sanctioned post.

2. Headmaster or Headmistress or Teacher-in-Charge as the case may be as directed by the School Authority, after receiving of prior permission from the Dist. Inspector of schools (SE) for filling up of the post of Assistant Headmaster/Assistant Headmistress, shall notify and collect applications of such approved and willing teacher (s) of his/her Institution, who are (a) Graduates with Honours including Special Hons. or holding Masters Degree with ‘two years’ course and having 5 (five) years’ teaching experience in a high/higher secondary institution. ‘Approved means having service in an educational institution recognised by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (W.B.B.S.E.)/ West Bengal Council of higher Secondary Education (W.B.C.H.S.E.)/ West Bengal Madrasah Education Board (W.B.M.E.B.) and duly approved by the Dist. Inspector of Schools (SE) of the concerned district and (b) holding Regular B.T./B.Ed./P.G.B.T. degree/ Diploma Certificate.

3. A) The School Authority shall form a Selection Committee for selection of Assistant Headmaster/Assistant Headmistress with the following persons:-

a) Secretary of the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee Administrator of the concerned Institution, if the Headmaster/ Headmistress and the secretary of the school are one and the same person, the President of the Committee shall be included as a Member.

b) The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Teacher-in-Charge/ Superintendent of the concerned institution.

c) One Teachers’ Representative to be selected by the Managing Committee; in case of Govt. Sponsored Schools where there is no Teachers’ Representative in the Managing Committee, one of the approved Assistant Teachers of the School to be selected by the Managing Committee. In Schools having Administrator/Ad-hoc Committee, Teachers’ Representative shall be selected by the Teaching staff in a meeting convened by the Head of the Institution.

d) One nominee of the Panchayet Samity for institution situated in Rural Area to be nominated by the Sabhapati, for other areas, one Member of the Managing Committee other than representative of the Teachers or Non-Teaching staff to be selected by the Managing Committee. The nominee of the Panchayet Samity, however, shall not be a member of the staff of that school.

e) EXTERNAL EXPERT:- An approved Head of a Recognised High and Higher Secondary School/High Madrasah having at least 5 years’ continuous teaching experience as Head of the said institution situated within the Sub-Division where the school is situated.

In case of Municipality/ Corporation-managed Non-Govt. Recognised School having no individual Managing Committee and managed by the Corporation/Municipality centrally will form a Selection Committee with the following members:-

a) H.M. of the School, (b) Subject Expert, (c) One of the representatives from the Teachers to be selected by the touchers, (d) One nominee of the D.I. (SE), (e) One nominee of the Corporation/Municipality.

3. B) 1) The Selection Committee shall elect one of the Members us President of the Selection Committee, but he/she will have no power of a casting vote.

2) No person who is related to any of the candidates to be interviewed shall be a member of the Selection Committee; in such case, the position of that members of the Selection Committee shall remain vacant.

3) All the candidates for interview shall be required by the Selection Committee to record their attendance before the Interview.

3. C) The Selection Committee shall select the candidates in the following manner:-

a) Academic qualifications including professional qualifications – 30 Marks as in Annexure ‘A’.

b) Experience:- 5 marks: for experience of 5 years or above, but less than 10 years – 2 Marks, for experience of 10 years or above, but less than 15 years – 3 Marks, for experience of 15 years or abvoe, but less than 20 years – 4 Marks and for experience of 20 years and above – 5 Marks.

c) Personality Test: (interview) – 5 Marks.

3. D) A panel shall be prepared with average of marks awarded by each of the Members of the Selection Committee in his/her individual score-sheet with signature. If any of the members wants to keep his/her opinion reserved, he/she shall submit a blank sheet containing names etc. of the candidates and duly signed by him/her and average shall be calculated on the marks awarded by other members. The Panel shall be prepared in presence of at least 3 (three) Members out of 5 (five) Members of the Selection Committee and the panel should be signed by all these Members.

3. E) The Selection Committee after preparing the Panel on the date of interview shall submit the same to the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee/ Administrator. The Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee/ Administrator shall examine the panel and forward a panel of 3 (three) candidates according to their positions to the District Inspector of Schools (SE) for approval alongwith all relevant papers within 15 days from the date of interview. The Dist. Inspector of Schools (SE) shall convey his decision within 1 (one) month from the date of receipt of the panel from the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee/ Administrator.

A panel of less than three candidates may be prepared provided three or more candidates are not available. If two or more candidates secure equal marks, preference shall be given to the academically better candidate.

4. On getting approval of the panel, the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc Committee/ Administrator of the school shall issue appointment letter to the first empanelled candidate within 15 days through Registered post. The panel shall remain valid for three months from the date of approval of the panel by the Dist. Inspector of Schools (SE). If any candidate fails to join within 1 month from the date of receipt of the appointment letter or leaves the post within the period of validity of the panel, the next empanelled candidate shall be offered appointment. Name of such candidate who does not join within the given time shall be struck off from the panel.

5. Once the date of interview for the post of Asstt. Headmaster/ Asstt. Headmistress has been fixed up and communicated to any of the candidates, the interview shall not be postponed except under severe emergency or natural calamity and the fact shall be communicated to the Dist. Inspector of Schools (SE) forthwith. In all such cases, approval of the Dist. Inspector of Schools (SE) (but no fresh prior permission) shall be obtained for holding the postponed interview on any other date.

6. The School Authority shall submit papers to the D.I. of Schools (SE) for approval of the appointment as Asstt. Headmaster/Assistant Headmistress within 15 days of the joining of the employee and Ihc D.I, of Schools (SE) shall convey his decision within one month hereafter. In the approval letter, D.I. of Schools (SE) shall specifically mention the name, qualifications, scale of pay, period of approval, group and the nature of vacancy against which the appointment has been made and approved.

7. In regard to interpretation/ explanation of any term, expression or clause, the decision of Director of School Education, West Bengal, shall be final.

This order will take an immediate effect.

Sd/- S. Som
Director of School Education
West Bengal

ANNEXURE-‘A’ to Memo No. 1628-GA dated 10th July, 2002.

Recruitment Rules of Assistant Headmaster/ Headmistress

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