1979 applications submitted for 57 posts of Assistant Professor, how many applications for which post? - WBSSC

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Sunday, 8 September 2024

1979 applications submitted for 57 posts of Assistant Professor, how many applications for which post?

Assistant Professor Recruitment

Assistant Professor Recruitment: The much awaited process of permanent faculty recruitment in Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology is about to be implemented.   1979 applications received for 57 posts of Assistant Professor.   That is 35 applications for each seat.   The written exam for the appointment of assistant professors in 10 departments will be held on September 21 and 22.   Preparations have started in this regard.

MMMUT had invited applications for a total of 110 posts of professors, associate professors and assistant professors in January.   Among the applicants for the post of assistant professor, there is a lot of enthusiasm.  Maximum 600 applications received for 6 posts in Mechanical Engineering.   463 applications have been received for 10 posts in Electronics and 248 applications for 8 posts in Civil.   Maximum 21 posts in Computer Science, 352 applied.

Appointment after seven years

2017 MMMUT was last appointed as a teacher.   Advertisements were issued for a total of 96 vacancies in 2021, but then the process got stuck due to the reservation system's roster implementation rules.   It was then decided to start the recruitment process again in November 2023.

Improving student-teacher ratio

The student-teacher ratio will improve after this recruitment in the university.  Research and innovation will be encouraged.   This time it made it to NIRF's top 100 universities and engineering colleges.   In the future, the chances of appearing in the top-100 among all institutions will increase.

62 percent seats are vacant

A total of 177 posts of permanent teachers are sanctioned in the university.   Out of this, only 67 teachers have been appointed, where a total of 110 posts are vacant.   This includes 22 posts of Professor, 31 posts of Associate Professor and 57 posts of Assistant Professor.   In other words, 62 percent of the regular faculty seats are vacant.

Subject wise seats and number of applications

 Mechanical Engg.   06 600

 Electronics 10 463

 Computer Science 21 352

 Civil Engg.   08 248

 Electrical Engg.   04 118

 Chemical Engg.   02 49

 IT 01 26

 Chemistry 01 55

 English 01 12

 Mathematics 03 56


A total of 110 posts of professors, associate professors and assistant professors will be appointed.   The written exam for the post of Assistant Professor will be held on September 21-22.   A total of 1979 applications have been received for 57 posts of Assistant Professor.   Interview date for Professor and Associate will be released soon.

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