Assistant Professor: Recruitment of 133 Assistant Professor vacancies on contract, monthly salary Rs.40,000 - WBSSC

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Thursday, 29 August 2024

Assistant Professor: Recruitment of 133 Assistant Professor vacancies on contract, monthly salary Rs.40,000

Assistant Professor Recruitment

Assistant Professor Recruitment: Good news for job aspirants. Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has invited applications to fill up 133 vacancies of Assistant Professor.  Selected candidates will have tenure till 31st May, 2025, monthly salary of ₹40,000.

The recruitment of 111 vacant posts of professors in various departments was delayed for the implementation of Maratha reservation under Socially and Educationally Backward Class Citizens (SEBC) quota.  Interested candidates can apply online at SPPU website from 27th August to 5th September.

"As the vacancies are affecting academic work in the varsity, the administration has decided to hire assistant professors on contractual basis," said SPPU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof Parag Kalkar.

Meanwhile, SPPU has also released advertisement to fill up four posts for competitive examination center and four posts for Department of Management Science at Nashik centre.

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