Assistant Professor: Amity University is recruiting for the post of Assistant Professor in 11 campuses including Kolkata - WBSSC

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Sunday, 4 August 2024

Assistant Professor: Amity University is recruiting for the post of Assistant Professor in 11 campuses including Kolkata

Assistant Professor Recruitment

Assistant Professor Recruitment: Good news for job aspirants.  Amity University has announced the recruitment of faculty posts for 11 campuses.  These posts are available at the following levels: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor.

List of Amity University campuses












In which department will be appointed 

 Applied Sciences


 Artificial intelligence

 Clinical Psychology


 Cyber ​​Security


 Data Science

 Construction and Real Estate


 Defense and Strategic studies





 Environmental Science

 Fashion technology

 Fine Arts

 Film and TV


 Food Technology

 Forensic Science


 Foreign Language

 Geo Informatics system

 Health and Allied Science


 Hotel management

 Hospital administration

 International Relations

 Interior Design





 Marine Science


 Microbial Science


 Natural Resources

 NGO Management


 Nuclear Science

 Occupational therapy

 Performing Arts



 Physical Education



 Public Policy


 Special Education

 Travel and Tourism

 How to apply

Amity University recently announced recruitment notification.   Candidates have to apply online on the career page of the official website of the university.

For exact eligibility conditions, how to apply and other details, interested candidates should refer to the recruitment notification, uploaded on the official website of Amity University.

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