Assistant Professor: Visva Bharati University Teacher Recruitment Notification Out, Details Here - WBSSC

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Friday, 26 July 2024

Assistant Professor: Visva Bharati University Teacher Recruitment Notification Out, Details Here

Assistant Professor Recruitment

Assistant Professor Recruitment: Good news for job seekers.  A teaching opportunity came in Visva Bharati University. Advertisement for 3 Posts of Guest Lecturers. Applications are invited from the eligible Indian nationals for appointment of three guest teachers. The candidates must satisfy the essential qualifications stipulated by the UGC.

Eligible interested candidates are required to submit hard copies of the application along with complete curriculum vitae and self-attested supporting documents in respect of their credentials to the Head, Department of Philosophy and Comparative Religion, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, Birbhum District, West Bengal - 731235. 


Total Vacancy is three. Guest Teacher UR-1, SC-1 & EWS-1.

Philosophy: Total vacay two

Essential Qualifications are same as required for appointment of regular Assistant Professor of the University as per UGC including MA and NET in Philosophy, Ph. D in Philosophy.

Comparative Religion: Total vacay one

Essential Qualifications are same as required for appointment of regular Assistant Professor of the University as per UGC including MA and NET in Comparative Religion, Ph. D in Comparative Religion.

Tenure of Engagement

For a period of one year (excluding long vacation) or until further orders Before 5 pm on 16th August 2024. 


Rs. 1500/- per lecture subject to maximum of Rs. 5o000/- per month. 


Incomplete application forms or the forms received after the last date of submission will be summarily rejected. Short listed candidates only will be called for interview. Original supporting documents will be required to be produced at the time of interview.

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