Assistant Professor: Bankura Christian College Contractual Teachers Recruitment Notification - WBSSC

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Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Assistant Professor: Bankura Christian College Contractual Teachers Recruitment Notification

Assistant Professor Recruitment

Teacher Recruitment: Applications, with full bio-data (format available on the college website) along with a non-refundable DD of Rs 250/- drawn in favour of Bankura Christian College payable at Bankura, and one set of attested copies of testimonials should reach the office of the undersigned through registered posts on or before August 05, 2024, for the engagement of college-paid Contractual Teachers on purely temporary basis for the following subjects. 

The interview schedule will be published on the official website of the college.

1. Botany (1)

2. Economics (1)

3. English (4)

4. Mathematics (2)

5. Nutrition (1)

6.Physiology (1)

7. Political Science (3)

8. Sociology (2)

Educational Qualification

As per applicable UGC norms for Assistant Professor

Candidates are hereby requested to note that during attending the interview, they are required to bring with them all original testimonials with updated resumes. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates to attend the interview.

It should be noted that possession of minimum eligibility shall not confer any right to be called for the interview. Incomplete applications will be rejected. The authority reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons thereto.


Consolidated amount (negotiable) with a workload of 15 Hours per week

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