Teacher Recruitment: Positions of School Teaching under Banaras Hindu University. How to apply? - WBSSC

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Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Teacher Recruitment: Positions of School Teaching under Banaras Hindu University. How to apply?

Teacher Recruitment

Teacher Recruitment: Positions of School Teaching (Central Hindu Boys’ School, Central Hindu Girls’ School & Shri Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya)  under Banaras Hindu University. Applications are invited from the Indian Citizens on the online form available at Recruitment and Assessment Cell portal of BHU for Principal, PGT, TGT, PRT for the Schools in the University. 


Last Date for Online submission of Application form and  Application Fee payment: 12.07.2024 upto 5:00p.m. Last date for submission of downloaded application form alongwith the enclosures: 17.07.2024 upto 5.00p.m. 

Application Fee 

A non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 1000/- shall be paid online by the candidates of UR, EWS and OBC categories for Group „A‟ posts and Rs. 500/- by the candidates of UR, EWS and OBC categories for Group „B‟ posts. No application fees shall be charged from the candidates of SC, ST, PwBDs categories and women candidates. The application fee is to be paid through the payment gateway in online application through Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card/UPI.    


Those candidates who have applied against earlier Advt. No. 24/2023-2024 dated 01.02.2024 need not to apply again, however they may update their application form.  Their eligibility and other terms and conditions shall be considered on the last date of submission of application of the said advertisement. 

Applicants must carefully read and follow the General Instructions to the Candidates accompanying the advertisement before submitting application in the online mode.  

All applicants except for those from SC, ST, PwBDs categories and Women candidates are required to deposit a non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 1000/- shall be paid online by the candidates of UR, EWS and OBC categories for Group „A‟ posts and Rs. 500/- by the candidates of UR, EWS and OBC categories for Group „B‟ posts through the payment gateway in online application through Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card/UPI. 

The positions advertised vide Advt. No. 06/2018-2019 for different Schools of the University for which selections could not be held, have now been treated as cancelled/withdrawn. Applicant, who have paid application fee against the earlier advertised positions, may claim for refund of their application fee. A request letter may be sent to the Joint Registrar (RAC), BHU on email ar.rac@bhu.ac.in indicating their post details, transaction ID No. with bank account details. 

Details of the posts, essential qualifications, and general instructions to the candidates may be accessed from the “Recruitment Portal” of the University website www.bhu.ac.in/rac 

The eligibility of the candidate will be determined as on the last date of submission of application in the Recruitment & Assessment Cell, Holkar House, BHU, Varanasi, i.e., 12.07.2024 26. Please visit our website: www.bhu.ac.in/rac/non-teaching for application form, details of qualifications and other instructions in this regard. 27. The applications are invited through online mode. The downloaded application form along with the enclosures must be sent to the Office of the Registrar, Recruitment & Assessment Cell, Holkar House, BHU, Varanasi -221005 (U.P.) on or before 17.07.2024 

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