SSC: 8900 1st Counseling Awaiting Final Recruitment, Still 2000 Remaining, Urgent Recruitment Demanded - WBSSC

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Monday, 10 June 2024

SSC: 8900 1st Counseling Awaiting Final Recruitment, Still 2000 Remaining, Urgent Recruitment Demanded


Recruitment of Upper Primary Teachers: It has been long ten years, still no teachers have been recruited in Upper Primary.  In this situation higher secondary job aspirants are looking towards Calcutta High Court. 

Job aspirants claim that the first counseling was over long ago, the second counseling should be started soon.  Qualified candidates to be hired immediately.   School selection i.e. counseling process of about 9000 upper primary candidates has been done.  However, the counseling process of about 2000 candidates of the second phase is left.

In the words of Sushant Ghosh, an upper primary job aspirant on the dais at the foot of Matangini Hazra's statue, “The movement is on.  Many of the job seekers live in different district towns or villages.  Dharna is coming to the stage occasionally.  While looking at the High Court, we feel that if the State Government takes the initiative, there will be a speedy hearing.  Earlier, after March 29, the hearing was held on May 21.  The next date of hearing is June 28." 

Upper primary job aspirants said that 8900 first counseling has been done.  The name of the school to be joined has also been received.  But still not received the recommendation letter as per the court order.  According to job seekers, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee can solve their problems.  So they will take to the streets again to demand his intervention.

When will the end of long 10 years recruitment pain?  Job candidates are asking questions.  Due to the lack of goodwill of the government, the recruitment process has stalled, expressing the anger of the job seekers.  Job seekers have repeatedly protested on the streets to get their dues.  However, the recruitment process could not be completed even after 10 years.  Regarding the recruitment, a job seeker said that 13334 people have been named in the merit list out of 14339 vacancies in upper primary.  Out of this 8900 people got first counselling.  Second counseling is pending. 

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