NVS Recruitment: Recruitment of 700 vacancies for multiple posts including teachers, apply in Navodaya Vidyalaya - WBSSC

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Saturday, 1 June 2024

NVS Recruitment: Recruitment of 700 vacancies for multiple posts including teachers, apply in Navodaya Vidyalaya

NVS Recruitment

NVS Recruitment: The Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), an autonomous Organization under the MoE vide its Notification dated 15th March, 2024 proposes to conduct Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the posts of Principal and Vice Principal and Limited Departmental Examination (LDE) for promotion to the posts of Post Graduate Teachers in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.  

The National Testing Agency (NTA), on behalf of NVS has developed an online Portal for inviting online application(s) from NVS departmental candidates who are interested & eligible for promotion to the post of Principal/Vice Principal/PGTs under LDCE/LDE 2024, in the prescribed application form available on the Websites: https://exams.nta.ac.in/NVS-LDCE/ as per the details mentioned in the detailed Advertisement under Notification dated 15th March, 2024. 

The schedule of Examination activities is as follows

Online Submission of Application Form through Website https://exams.nta.ac.in/NVS-LDCE/ : 27.05.2024 to 10.06.2024 (upto 11:50 PM)

Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website: Will be announced later on website 

Date of Examination:  Will be announced later on website 

Website(s): https://exams.nta.ac.in/NVS-LDCE/ 


The candidates are requested to undertake the correction(s) very carefully as no further chance of correction will be provided. 

The cut-off date for eligibility criteria for aforementioned posts of Principal, Vice Principal & Post Graduate Teachers will be the closing date of submission of online applications i.e. 10.06.2024. Candidates possessing the essential qualification/service as on cut-off date only will be eligible to appear in the LDCE/LDE. 

Important Instructions

1.     6. Candidates can apply for NVS LCDE/LDE through the “Online” mode only on the website: https://exams.nta.ac.in/NVS-LDCE/. 

2. The Application Form in any other mode will not be accepted.  

2. Candidates must strictly follow the instructions given in the Information Bulletin available on the NTA website.  

3. Candidates must ensure that the e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own only as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e - mail on the registered e-mail address or SMS on the registered Mobile Number only.  

4. In case any candidate faces difficulty in applying for NVS LCDE/LDE, he/she may contact 01140759000 /011 – 69227700 and Email: nvsre.nt@nta.ac.in. 

5. Candidates who are desirous of applying for the LCDE/LDE may go through the Information Bulletin/Detailed LCDE/LDE Notification and apply online at https://exams.nta.ac.in/NVS-LDCE/ only during the period from 27.05.2024 to 10.06.2024. 

6. For latest updates the Candidates are advised to visit the official website(s) of NTA https://exams.nta.ac.in/NVS-LDCE/  and NVS www.navodaya.gov.in.  

Notification 1Download

Notification 2Download

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