Government recruitment: Haryana Chief Minister Nawab Singh Saini on Saturday said his government will soon start the recruitment process to fill 50,000 vacant posts in the state. On the sidelines of the swearing-in ceremony of the new chairman of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission, he said this will be done as part of the government's ongoing efforts to provide employment opportunities and support the aspirations of the youth.
The chief minister stressed on continuing the "transparent" recruitment system for government jobs. The state government is going to provide 50,000 new job opportunities, Saini said and added that the current system will be merit based jobs without any discrimination.
He said, "It is a matter of pride that the youth have increased faith in the functioning of the government as they are securing government jobs without any 'kharchi-parchi' (bribery or favouritism), which was prevalent in the previous administration."
With the Punjab and Haryana High Court recently striking down the government's policy of giving extra marks under socio-economic criteria to government job aspirants, Saini said the state would move the Supreme Court on the matter.
The Chief Minister said, "The state government is committed to protect the interests of the candidates. We will soon take up this issue in the Supreme Court and strongly advocate it to ensure justice for the youth."
Saini said the socio-economic criterion was introduced to provide opportunities for poor family members who have no government jobs. He also criticized previous governments before 2014 for neglecting such families.
On May 31, the High Court had declared unconstitutional the socio-economic criteria set by the Haryana government for awarding extra marks to certain categories of candidates in state government jobs.