Notification for recruitment of staffs in the Judgeship of City Civil Court at Calcutta - WBSSC

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Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Notification for recruitment of staffs in the Judgeship of City Civil Court at Calcutta

City Civil Court at Calcutta Recruitment

City Civil Court at Calcutta:  Online applications are invited from eligible Indian citizen in the prescribed proforma for preparation of panel to fill up the vacancies mentioned below, in different categories of posts in respect of the Judgeship of City Civil Court at Calcutta. 

The Application must be submitted online in the websites, by clicking the following Application Link commencing from 18.06.2024(23:59 hrs). The last date of submission of online application is  18.07.2024 upto 23:59 hrs. 

City Civil Court Vacancy 

(a) English Stenographer (Group- B) [Total Vacancy: 02 – UR(EC)-01, , *OBC-B(EC)-01]. 

(b) Group-D (Peon) [Total Vacancy: 14 – UR-04, UR (EC)-01, UR (EX-SERVICEMAN in Group-D post)-01, UR (MERITORIOUS SPORTS-PERSON)-01, UR(PERSONWITH DISABILITIES)-01, EWS(EC)-01, SC-03, *OBC(A)-01,  *OBC(B)-01.]

Level of Pay

Level of Pay as per revised W.B.S.(ROPA) Rules 2019 of Govt. of W.B.: (a) English Stenographer (Group- B): Pay Level - 10 [Rs. 32,100/- – 82,900/-] (b) Group D (Peon): Pay Level – 1 [Rs. 17,000 – 43,600/-] 

Eligibility Age

Not less than 18 years and not above. (a) In case of Group-B posti) 35 years, in the case of a person belonging to the Schedule Caste/other backward classes, ii) 37 years, in the case of a person belonging to the Schedule Tribes or other category of persons for which reservation is made by law, iii) 32 years, in the case of any other person. (b) In case of Group-D posti) 43 years, in the case of a person belonging to the Schedule Caste/other backward classes, ii) 45 years,  in the case of a person belonging to the Schedule Tribes or other category of persons for which reservation is made by law, iii) 40 years, in the case of any other person. The upper age limit in case of Person with Disability is 45 years. Relaxation of age limit in case of Ex-serviceman category is as per existing Government Rules.

Essential Qualification

Candidates applying for the post of English Stenographer must have Bachelor’s degree from any university recognized by the University Grants Commission and at least a Certificate of knowledge in Computer operation with knowledge of writing in Shorthand. Training from a recognized Institution and a satisfactory fingering speed in Computer operation. Moreover, for English Stenographer, a minimum speed @ 80 w.p.m. in Shorthand and a minimum speed @ 30 w.p.m. in Typewriting from a legible manuscript in English for 10 minutes are required. The candidate must have also at least a Certificate in Computer Training from recognized Institution and a satisfactory fingering speed in Computer operation is required. 

Candidates applying for the post of Group-D must have passed Class-VIII from any recognized School or recognized Madrasa or any other recognized equivalent Institution.

Application Procedure 

Online application for City Civil Court, Calcutta Staff Recruitment 2024 will commence on 18.06.2024 from 23:59 hrs. and applications will be accepted till 18.07.2024 upto 23:59 hrs. The Application Form is to be filled in & payment of examination fees shall be made by the applicant through online mode only. The online application form shall be filled up through the links provided in the website of District Court, City Civil Court, Calcutta i.e.

Click Here For Official notification

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