Bankura District Judge Court Recruitment
Bankura District Judge Recruitment: Online applications are invited from eligible Indian citizen in the prescribed proforma for preparation of panel to fill up the vacancies mentioned below, in different categories of posts in respect of the Judgeship of Bankura. The Application must be submitted online in the websites, commencing from 24.05.2024. The last date of submission of online application is 24.06.2024 (midnight).
(a) Upper Division Clerk [Total Vacancy: 09 – UR-03, UR(EC)-01, SC-01, SC(EC)-01, ST-01, OBC(A)-01, OBC(B)-01].
(b) Lower Division Clerk [Total Vacancy: 39 – UR-12, UR(EC)-06, UR(EX-SERVICEMAN)01, UR (MERITORIOUS SPORTS-PERSON)-01, UR (PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES)-02, SC-06, SC(E.C.)-01, SC(EX-SERVICEMAN)-01, ST-02, OBC(A)-03, OBC(A)(EC)-01, OBC(B)-02, OBC(B)(EC) -01].
(c) Seal Bailiff [Total Vacancy: 03 – UR-01, UR(EC)-01, SC-01].
(d) Process Server [Total Vacancy: 09 – UR-03, UR(EC)-01, UR (PERSON WITH DISABILITIES)-01, SC-01, ST(EC)-01, OBC(A)-01, OBC(A)(EC)-01].
(e) Group-D (Peon/Night-Guard/Farash) [Total Vacancy: 39 – UR-11, UR(EC)-06, UR (EX-SERVICEMAN)-02, UR (MERITORIOUS SPORTS-PERSON)-01, UR (PERSON WITH DISABILITIES)-02, SC-06, SC(EC)-02, SC (EX-SERVICEMAN)-01, ST-01, ST(EC)01, OBC(A)-02, OBC(A)(EC)-02, OBC(B)-01, OBC(B)(EC)-01].
Eligibility age
Not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years as on 01.01.2024 for all categories of posts as per Notification no.11653-F(P) dated 30.12.2011 of the Department of Finance, Government of West Bengal. Relaxation of age limit for five years in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST Category and three years in case of OBC(A) & OBC(B) category is permissible. The upper age limit in case of Person with Disability is 45 years. Relaxation of age limit in case of Ex-serviceman category is as per existing Government Rules.
Essential Qualification
Candidates applying for the post of Upper Division Clerk must be a graduate from a recognized university and having proficiency in the use of computer and must possess at least a Certificate in Computer Training from recognized institution and a satisfactory speed in computer operation. Candidates applying for the post of Lower Division Clerk and Seal Bailiff must have passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination from any recognized Board and must possess at least a Certificate in Computer Training from recognized institution and a satisfactory speed in computer operation. Candidates applying for the post of Process Server and Group-D must have passed Class-VIII from any recognized School or recognized Madrasa or any other recognized equivalent Institution.
How to apply?
Online application for Bankura Judgeship Staff Recruitment 2024 will commence on 24.05.2024 from 23:59 hrs. and applications will be accepted till 24.06.2024 upto 23:59 hrs. The Application Form is to be filled in & payment of examination fees shall be made by the applicant through online mode only. The online application form shall be filled up through the links provided in the website of District Court, Bankura i.e.
Candidates are requested to read the advertisement & when satisfies about the eligibility conditions of the same, then only apply.
A candidate is not allowed to apply for more than 1(one) post. Applications of candidates who are found to have applied for more than one post shall be cancelled without citing any reason. No communication and/or request in this regard will be entertained.