Job News: 13 thousand 225 vacancies of ICDS Supervisor are going to be recruited West Bengal - WBSSC

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Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Job News: 13 thousand 225 vacancies of ICDS Supervisor are going to be recruited West Bengal

 ICDS Supervisor Recruitment

ICDS Supervisor Recruitment

ICDS Supervisor Recruitment: Good news for job seekers.  Anganwadi Supervisor (ICDS SUPERVISOR) will be appointed in the state.  The state government is going to appoint the post of Anganwadi supervisors in the state after the Lok Sabha polls.  Interested job aspirants can apply online.  

It is known that if everything goes well, the recruitment will start from the second week of June.  There are total 13 thousand 225 vacancies.  The state government is going to appoint in this position.

Election results will be announced on June 8.  The model code of conduct will remain in force in the state till June 10. After that, recruitment to the post is likely to begin.  According to sources, the recruitment will be completed before Puja.

Residents of any place in the state can apply online for this supervisor post.  Age should be at least 18 years.  Upper age limit is 42 years.  Educational Qualification Higher Secondary.  Graduates can also apply.  Recruitment of 13 thousand 225 vacancies for ICDS Supervisor post after the end of the poll.  Recruitment will start from second week of June.

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