Pertaining to extension of deadline for submitting online application form for admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course
DELED Admission: In continuation of earlier notification vide memo no. 316/WBBPE/D.El.Ed./2024/78P-05/2024 dated: 16/05/2024, it is notified forinformation to all concerned that the last date for online submission of admission forms for admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Regular Mode) for the Session 2024 - 2026 is hereby extended up to 15th June 2024 for the benefit of course aspirants.
All other terms and conditions in the aforementioned notification and the regulatory provisions as notified under notification vide memo no. 315/WBBPE/D.El.Ed./2024/78P-05/2024 dated: 16/05/2024 by the WBBPE shall remain unaltered.
The post closure events of the admission process mentioned in the main notification will be rescheduled accordingly.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
"Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan", DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091