WBCS Result: West Bengal Public Service Commission has released the list of candidates who have been called for WBCS 2021 Group D interview. PSC has released the cut off marks along with the list of candidates. Candidates can check the result by visiting the official website of the commission.
Candidates are requested to download Choice Sheets from Commission's Website at https:// psc.wb.gov.in. Candidates will receive their Call letter at their e-mail id provided in their application forms.
Candidates are being called for the Personality Test provisionally subject to verification of their eligibility and suitability for the examination in all respect including verification of original documents (e.g. academic qualifications, proof of age, BC/SC/ST/PH certificate / NCL Certificate etc.) to be produced as and when required. If the candidate fails to produce any of the required original certificate for verification, their candidature will be liable to be cancelled by the Commission straightway. For download the result, please click the below link.