Assistant Professor: Recruitment of Assistant, Associate Professor at IIT Bombay - WBSSC

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Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Assistant Professor: Recruitment of Assistant, Associate Professor at IIT Bombay

Recruitment of Assistant Professor
Recruitment: Applications are invited for Faculty Positions in IIT Bombay. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) IIT Bombay, is looking for outstanding and motivated candidates with a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Systems Engineering or in any related discipline. Candidates are required to have excellent and proven research track record, very good academic background and strong teaching capabilities. 

Job Profile :

IEOR faculty members are expected to create and maintain a strong research and teaching programme. The faculty are expected to regularly publish/ present their works in top journals and leading conferences. They are also expected to train very good IEOR professionals by teaching graduate and undergraduate level courses, design new courses, develop research/ teaching labs, supervise Masters and Doctoral students, and contribute to the academic and intellectual environment of the department. Faculty are also expected to actively undertake sponsored projects/ research grants, and participate in various outreach activities. IEOR Department and the Institute are committed to fostering an academic environment that can help professional development of faculty members.  

Additional details on various benefits, entitlements, expectations and responsibilities can be found in IITB Faculty Handbook.

Current Application Call for ALL posts :

Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor / Professor posts (Advertisement No. J-14/2024) 

Areas of Specialisation call-for Assistant / Associate/ Full Professor (all Faculty posts) :

The candidate should have an excellent academic and research background in Industrial Engineering (IE), Operations Research (OR) or allied areas, with a strong quantitative / computational approach in modeling and analysis. Specific areas:

1. Operations : Planning, scheduling and control in manufacturing and/or service systems; Real-time large scale operational decisions; Data-driven decision making; Predictive control/ automated optimal control with IEOR applications; Analytics for inventory/ quality/reliability/ safety/ operations engineering; Pricing and Revenue Management; Modeling & analysis in the contexts of Healthcare operations, Financial Engineering, or Security. 

2. Supply chain & Logistics : Resilient / sustainable operations, End-to-end pricing, Decarbonisation, Smart logistics, Warehousing, Network operations planning, Supply chain digital transformation.

3. Digital Enterprise : Digital twin/ Internet-of-Things/ Edge computing / Cyberphysical systems combined with appropriate decision models; Smart city operations.

4. AI/ML, Data Science : Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning methods, Reinforcement learning, Multi-player/ multi-agent systems, Multi-Armed Bandits, Human-AI interaction/ Large language models/Generative AI relevant to IEOR; Network science; Online platforms and market places; Change point detection algorithms, High dimensional statistics, Time-series analysis in context of decision making.

5. Stochastic models and Simulation : Decision making under risk & uncertainty, Queuing networks, Stochastic control; Monte-carlo simulation, Agent based modeling & simulation, System dynamics methodology with relevance to management, behavioral and/or decision sciences. 

6. Optimization and Game theory : Large scale optimization, Distributed optimization, Bi level optimization, Optimization under uncertainty; Quantum computing for Optimization; Approximation algorithms & Metaheuristics; Games under partial/ incomplete information, Cooperative/ non-cooperative games.

Candidates with exceptional credentials in any area of IE and OR, in addition to the above specific areas, may be considered.

Application Process :

Interested candidates are requested to submit their application for IEOR via the Online Portal mentioned against the advertisement.  The following documents should be submitted as part of the application to receive full consideration:  (1) Complete curriculum vita, (2) research statement, (3) teaching statement, (4) copies of at least 3 publications, and (5) the filled application form.  

Steps to submit application

1. First register at this link:

2. Then fill the form, by logging in using this link:

Applications are welcome throughout the year.  For consideration in next round, apply before 30 June, 2024.  Please email head.ieor [at] for any queries.
Candidates should visit <> for other  details and latest call-for faculty recruitment.

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