PhD Admission Notification By Rabindra Bharati University - WBSSC

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Friday, 12 April 2024

PhD Admission Notification By Rabindra Bharati University

PhD Admission

PhD Admission: Good news for aspirants who want to do research.  Rabindra Bharati University announced the notification of PhD admission. On basis of the decision taken by the Admission Boards of the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Visual Arts, the University invites online applications for admission to the Ph.D. academic programme in different subjects under the Faculties of Arts and Visual Arts in the academic session 2022-2023 in compliance with the pertinent UGC Regulation 2016.

Researcher will be appointed as per UGC norms.  Please visit the official website of the university for educational qualification, vacancies and detailed information.

Application Forms can be filled up Online on the University Admission/Students portal from 18.04.2024 to 30.04.2024. For further details, please visit the aforesaid University website.

Secretary, Faculty Councils


56 A, B.T. Road, Kolkata-700050


DATED: 12/04/2024

Official Website:

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