Big New: Appointment of B.Ed pass assistant teachers job canceled by High Court - WBSSC

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Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Big New: Appointment of B.Ed pass assistant teachers job canceled by High Court

BED Primary Teacher

BED Primary Teacher: Candidates for recruitment of primary teachers with BED degree received a big blow from Bilashpur High Court. The High Court in its important decision ordered cancellation of recruitment of BED candidates in primary school Assistant Teacher recruitment process.

The State Government had also issued an advertisement for the post of Assistant Teacher recognizing BED degree.  Against which an application was made in the High Court. State Government published advertisement for the post of Assistant Teacher on 4th May 2023.  In the published advertisement, B.Ed along with D.Ed are also recognized as educational qualification.  Against this, the candidates with DLed degree appealed to the High Court and said that according to the instructions of the Supreme Court, only DELED degree has been made mandatory for the post of assistant teacher.  B.Ed degree holders are not eligible for the post of primary teacher.  Therefore, the recruitment rules, conditions and advertisement for the recruitment of assistant teachers should be cancelled.  After the hearing, the High Court placed a ban on counseling for the recruitment of BED degree candidates.  Which was challenged in the Supreme Court by the BED degree holders.

After hearing the candidates, the Supreme Court granted interim relief by directing the admission and placement of candidates with BED degrees in counselling.  However, it is also clarified that the final decision of the High Court will be accepted.

After the final hearing of the case on February 29, 2024, the High Court reserved its verdict.  While announcing the verdict today, the High Court has considered the B.ED. degree as unsuitable for the post of Assistant Teacher.  Besides, instructions have also been given to cancel the jobs of candidates with BED degree appointed as assistant teachers.  Also, the release of the revised list of DELED degree candidates for vacant posts has been directed.

The High Court asked the state government to release the revised selection list within six weeks to give opportunity to the DELED candidates.  After this order, the demand of BED pass candidates for the recruitment of primary assistant teachers in that state has come to an end.  We inform you that the Division Bench of Chief Justice Ramesh Kumar Sinha reserved its decision in this case on February 29, the order of which was issued today.

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