BED VS DELED: Supreme Court gave important order for primary teacher recruitment - WBSSC

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Monday, 8 April 2024

BED VS DELED: Supreme Court gave important order for primary teacher recruitment

বিএড সুপ্রিম কোর্ট

BED Supreme Court: A big news regarding primary teacher recruitment has come up.  The Supreme Court, the highest court of the country, clarified its position regarding the appointment of BED job candidates to the post of primary teachers.

After Supreme Court's verdict (Aug, 2023) job candidates with B.ED degree can no longer sit for primary teacher recruitment.  As a result, BED job candidates will not be able to apply for the primary teacher post again.

However, at the same time, the Supreme Court gave relief to the B.ED. teachers who had already got jobs.  Job is valid for those who have got B.ED in primary before Aug, 2023.  Supreme Court said

Incidentally, the hearing of the BEd vs DElEd clarification case was held today in the Supreme Court.  The court said that all the B.Ed trained teachers who were initially appointed before 11.08.2023 will continue their jobs.

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