Assistant Professor: St. Xavier's University Faculty Recruitment Notification Out, Click Here - WBSSC

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Monday, 8 April 2024

Assistant Professor: St. Xavier's University Faculty Recruitment Notification Out, Click Here

Assistant Professor Recruitment

Assistant Professor Recruitment: Good news for job aspirants.  St. Xavier's University will be recruiting for several posts including Assistant Professor.  A notification has been issued in this regard.  Interested job candidates can apply.

Those who applied and sent the hardcopy of the application form along with all other documents against Employment Notification No.: 01 (09/2023/TEACHING) Dated: 06.09.2023 and 01 (10/2023/TEACHING) Dated: 11.10.2023, need NOT apply again, however those who applied but did not send the application form along with other documents may apply again and send the application form and other documents within the stipulated time.

Last date of online application: 15.04.2024, 5 PM 

Last date for receipt of printout of the application along with all supporting documents: 18.04.2024, 5 PM 


Assistant Professor, Full-Time & Part-Time Contractual Faculty Member - 45 Years  

Associate Professor - 50 Years [Upper age limit for Associate Professor may be relaxed up to 55 Years for exceptionally qualified candidate]

Professor– 55 Years [Upper age limit for Professor may be relaxed for exceptionally qualified candidate] 

Candidates should have a strong academic background, understanding and familiarity of current developments and challenges and evidence of quality research and publications. Faculty members are expected to carry out research, design and teach courses, engage in institution development, and conduct training program and consultancy.  

• Last date for online application: 15.04.2024, 5 PM (Applicants need to take printout of the application and send it to The Registrar along with all supporting documents. Application will be liable to be cancelled if hardcopy of the application and the documents are not received within specified time.) 

• Last date for receipt of printout of the application along with all supporting documents: 18.04.2024, 5 PM 

• Please note that print out of the application form along with all supporting documents will be accepted through speed post / registered post / courier (no hand delivery) addressed only to: The Registrar, St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, Premises No. IIIB - 1, Action Area IIIB New Town, Kolkata 700160. 


i) Incomplete applications in any respect will not be entertained by the University. 

ii) Mere fulfilment of the aforementioned qualifications & experience does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. 

iii) The University reserves the right to consider and to fill or not to fill positions in any of the above and/or any other specialization(s). 

iv) No correspondence, whatsoever, will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview or selection. 

v) All qualifications must be from UGC recognized University/ Deemed University/ MHRD approved autonomous institution (wherever applicable). 

vi) The courses offered by autonomous institutions should be equivalent to the relevant course approved/ recognized by Association of Indian University (AIU). 

Job: SSC released recruitment notification for 5000 vacancies, Notification here, How to apply?

vii) For regular appointment, there would be a probation period of 2 years. 

viii) Last date for online application: 15.04.2024, 5 PM 

ix) Last date for receipt of printout of the application along with all supporting documents: 18.04.2024, 5 PM 

x) Please note that print out of the application form along with all supporting documents will be accepted through speed post/registered post/courier addressed (no hand delivery) only to: The Registrar, St. Xavier's University, Kolkata Premises No. IIIB - 1, Action Area IIIB New Town, Kolkata 700 160 

xi) Applications received after the due date will not be considered. 

xii) The University will send communication through email only to the short-listed candidates. 

xiii) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. 

xiv) The candidature of an applicant will be cancelled if the relevant documents are not submitted. 

xv) If it is found that the documents submitted by the candidate are not genuine or that the candidate has clandestine antecedents and he/she has suppressed the said information, the candidature/appointment at the University shall be cancelled/terminated at any point of time.

xvi) Only offline interview will be held and there will be no provision for online interview. 


Recruitment of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Other Faculty Members - March 2024  

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