TET Result: Important Update of West Bengal Primary TET Results, Know Here Details - WBSSC

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Friday, 8 March 2024

TET Result: Important Update of West Bengal Primary TET Results, Know Here Details

Praimary TET Results

Praimary TET Results: Good news for job seekers.  Next week 2023 primary TET answer sheet will be uploaded and the result will be announced before the Lok Sabha polls!  According to the sources of the Primary Education Board, such news has been received.  The preliminary TET examination was held on 10 December 2023.  According to the board sources, the primary education board can upload the model answer sheet of primary TET next week.

According to Board sources, the Board of Primary Education may announce the results of the primary TET before the Lok Sabha polls.  The Board of Primary Education is moving forward with that goal.  According to board sources, the board will upload the model answer sheet of primary TET next week and take the opinion of the examinees on that model answer sheet.  This opinion will be taken for 7 days.  They will be appointed after reviewing them.

This year around 2.5 lakh candidates appeared for the TET primary exam.  Which is much less than last time.  The reason for this is that this time no more BEd pass job candidates could apply.  Only DELED job aspirants can apply.

The Lok Sabha polls are likely to be announced any day.  However, even if the notification of Lok Sabha polls is issued, its impact will not affect the publication of TET results, the Board of Primary Education claims.  Board officials claim that since the exam was conducted long ago and the process is underway, there will be no difficulty in releasing the exam results.  In that case, the TET result may be declared within the month of March.  However, there was no response from Board President Gautam Pal regarding the release of the results.

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