SSC is going to fill 4500 vacancies for head teachers, Gazette notification published before Lok Sabha polls - WBSSC

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Saturday, 9 March 2024

SSC is going to fill 4500 vacancies for head teachers, Gazette notification published before Lok Sabha polls


Head Teacher Recruitment: Very good news for Head Teacher aspirants.  The West Bengal government is going to publish a gazette notification for the appointment of head teachers and teachers before the Lok Sabha polls.  There are about 4500 vacancies of head teachers and teachers in government and government sponsored schools.  This year, the School Service Commission is also introducing reservation in the appointment of head teachers and teachers.

A high-level meeting was held at Bikash Bhavan on Friday.  Issuance of notification is now just a matter of time.  Siddharth Majumder, chairman of the School Service Commission, said, "I heard that the work is nearing completion. We will quickly start the process of conducting the examination for the appointment of head teachers and teachers only after the government issues a gazette notification."

Several changes are being made to the rules this time.  This year the first reservation is being introduced in the appointment of head teachers and teachers.  Test will be done on OMR sheet.  Candidates will also be given a carbon copy of the answer sheet.  It is known that the result will be published after combining the results of written examination and educational qualification.

The last time there was a notification for the recruitment of teachers and teachers in high schools in 2017.  Appointed to the post of head teacher in 2019.  However, allegations of widespread corruption and nepotism surfaced with that appointment.  After that almost six long years have passed but the recruitment circular for the post of head teacher has not been published.  As a result there are many vacancies in schools.  Schools are struggling with reading.  Teachers organizations are happy with this initiative of the state.

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