A large number of candidates passed SET exam for the recruitment of Assistant Professors - WBSSC

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Friday, 1 March 2024

A large number of candidates passed SET exam for the recruitment of Assistant Professors

SET Exam Result

SET Exam Result: West Bengal SET Exam Result Released.  A large number of candidates passed this time.  Candidates of the third gender were also successful.  4 thousand 428 people have passed the set.  West Bengal College Service Commission has released the results of the 25th State Eligibility Test (SET).  4 thousand 428 people have succeeded.  Among them is a third gender candidate.

This time 6 third gender candidates participated.  While three scored 35 per cent or more, only one managed to come under the subject-wise and category-wise cut-offs.  He is a candidate of English.

The eligibility criteria for recruitment of assistant professors in state government aided colleges was set on December 17 last year.  After 74 days, the commission released the results on Thursday.  61 thousand 185 people participated in the exam.  As per UGC norms, 6 percent of the total participants are declared successful.

It is said to have increased to 7.2 percent by combining multiple candidates with cut-off marks and financially backward candidates.  1989 in general category among successful, economically backward (WS) 398.  Commission Chairman Deepak Kar said, "The examination was conducted in a fair manner and the results were published on time with the full cooperation of the state government as per the UGC norms."

The commission has informed the final 'Anser Key' i.e. which answer to which question.  Candidates' OMR is evaluated based on the final answer key.  Subject wise and category wise cut-off marks are also given.  According to the chairman of the commission, there is no room for transparency.  Every candidate can log in to know their own marks.

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