Teacher Recruitment: Kendriya Vidyalaya Teacher Recruitment Notification Out, Details Here - WBSSC

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Friday, 9 February 2024

Teacher Recruitment: Kendriya Vidyalaya Teacher Recruitment Notification Out, Details Here

Kendriya vidyalaya BSF krishnanagar Teacher Recruitment

Teacher Recruitment: Kendriya vidyalaya BSF krishnanagar will recruitment teachers for the session: 2024-25.  Aspirants can fill up the application form from the website given in the notice.  Interview on 16/02/2024. A walk-in-interview will be conducted in kendriya vidyalaya BSF krishnanagar for the panel selection of teachers/ coaches purely on part time contractual basis for the session 2024-25.

Details given below

Date of subject interview: 16.02.2024


TGTs (Hindi, S.ST, Sanskrit)

PRT, Music teacher

Miscellaneous teachers/coaches - (dance

Coach, games/coach (kho-kho), yoga

Teacher, special educator, educational

Counsellor, nurse and computer instructor

Venue: Kendriya Vidyalaya BSF Krishnanagar

Details of qualification, criteria, application form are available on the website https://bsfkrishnanagar.kvs.ac.in/.

The eligible candidates are requested to download the application form from website and attend interview with filled format along with photocopy of academic / professional caste certificates. Original documents should be kept ready for verification only. Selection panel will be prepared on merit basis. No ta/da will be paid for attending the interview.

Reporting time at the venue on 16.02.2024 KVS BSF Krishnanagar, in between 8.00am to 10.00 am. No candidate will be allowed after 10.30 am.

Candidates must bring one set of self-attested copies of the mark sheets/ certificates / testimonials etc. Along with filled up pro-forma downloaded (attached with this notice) from the vidyalaya website. They should bring with them their valid identity card for entering the Vidyalaya campus on the day of interview.

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