Teacher Recruitment: 7th SLST (AT)-Main Examination Guidelines for Examinees WBMSC - WBSSC

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Monday, 26 February 2024

Teacher Recruitment: 7th SLST (AT)-Main Examination Guidelines for Examinees WBMSC

recruited in the Panchayat offices

Madrasa Service Commission: Teachers are being recruited through the Madrasa Service Commission in West Bengal.  Admit card for mains exam released, along with guidelines.  Selection Test (A.T.) for 7th State Level Main Examination IX-X and Class XI-XII Recruitment of Teachers on 03.03.2024 (Sunday) from 10:30 AM to 12 Noon and 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM respectively.  will be held until  The web-enabled admit card for the mains exam is being downloaded from the commission's website.  Admit Card can be downloaded using Application Form ID and Candidates Date of Birth.

West Bengal Madrasa Service Commission has already notified the exam date.  Job aspirants were waiting for the news about Madrasa Service Commission recruitment exam.  Finally, the admit card of the recruitment test has been given.  Thousands of teachers will be recruited through this exam.  The guidelines given by the Commission -

7th SLST (AT)-Main Examination Guidelines for Examinees

1.       Go through the Admit Card carefully. In case of any discrepancy inform the Commission immediately

2.       No Examinee shall be allowed to enter the Examination Centre without the Admit card

3.       Carefully note the Examination Centre, Date and Timing of examination

4.       Report to the Examination Centre 1 hour before commencement of examination

5.       Examination hall will be opened 30 minutes before commencement of examination

6.       Take the allotted seats 15 minutes before commencement of examination

7.       OMR Sheets will be distributed 10 minutes before commencement of examination

8.       Question Booklet will be distributed 5 minutes before commencement of examination

9.       Examinees will open the Question Booklet on ringing of bell at the commencement of examination

10.    The OMR Sheet has two (2) copies, one (1) Original copy and the other Candidate’s copy (Carbon copy)

11.    OMR Sheet not to be detached or displaced under any circumstances before completion of examination and signature of both candidate and invigilator

12.    All particulars of candidate, answer markings and signature by both Candidate and Invigilator are to be done on the Original copy of the OMR Sheet only, so that the imprints of the same on Candidate’s copy (Carbon copy) are in proper place

13.    NO Separate marking should be made on the Candidate’s copy (Carbon copy) of OMR Sheet by any one

14.    After the examination is over,Invigilator shall handover the candidate’s copy of OMR Sheet to the candidate after signature by both, the candidate and the invigilator on the original copy with imprint on candidate’s copy

15.    There will be 90 questions in each subject and time allotted is 90 minutes

16.    Examinees will NOT BE ALLOWED to enter the examination hall/room after commencement of examination

17.    Bell to be rung 1 hour after commencement of examination, 5 minutes before end time of examination and at the end of examination

18.    Examinee shall NOT be allowed to go to the toilet during the first 1 hour & last 15 minutes of the examination

19.    Examinee shall NOT be allowed to leave the examination hall/room until the examination is over

20.    After the end of examination, candidates will remain seated on their concerned seats and invigilator will go to every candidate, verify that each candidate has signed the on the original copy of OMR sheet at appropriate place and then put his/her signature on the original copy of OMR sheet


22.    Examinees are ALLOWED to carry ONLY - Admit Card of 7th SLST (AT)-Main Examination, Original Aadhaar Card, recent Colour Photograph and Black Ball Point Pen(s) inside the examination hall and nothing else

23.    Aadhaar No. printed on Admit Card should match with Aadhaar No. on the original Aadhaar Card of the candidate. If the Aadhaar No. printed on Admit Card DOES NOT MATCH with Aadhaar No. on the original Aadhaar Card of the candidate, he/she will NOT BE ALLOWED to enter the examination hall

24.    Examinees are NOT ALLOWED to carry Bags, Mobiles Phones (even if switched off), Pagers, Tabs, Laptops, Headphones, Calculators (any type), Electronic Scientific Watches, Digital Watches, Smart Watches, Bluetooth devices, I.T. Gadgets any other electronic equipment or any other equipment capable of being used as Communication Device, Pen Drive, Micro Chip, SD Card, Hard Drive, Log Tables, Instrument/Geometry/Pencil Boxes, Handbag, Purse, any kind of paper/stationery/textual material (printed or written), Eatables, Lighter/Match Boxes etc. inside premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions will entail disciplinary action including ban from future examination and lodging of FIR with Police. Candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/costly items to the Examination Halls, as safe keeping of the same cannot be assured. Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.

25.    Fill up his/her Name, Name of Centre on the Question Booklet and Sign it.

26.    Fill up his/her Name, Name of Centre, Roll No., Booklet No., Application ID, Booklet Series, Medium & all other details in the OMR Sheet before answering

27.    Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer on the OMR Sheet. Darkening more than one circle will be treated as WRONG answer

28.    Completely darken the circles on OMR Sheet so that the alphabet/number inside the circle is not visible

29.    Change of darkening / cutting / over writing / use of correction fluid on OMR Sheet NOT permitted

30.    Should not make any stray mark anywhere on the OMR Sheet, should not fold or wrinkle the OMR Sheet

31.    Rough work should not be done anywhere on the OMR Sheet

32.    OMR Sheet has 2 copies. Do NOT detach or displace any copy of the OMR Sheet under any circumstances

33.    Invigilator should sign the Original copy of the OMR Sheet at the END of EXAMINATION, AFTER CHECKING all the ENTRIES & DARKENING DONE by the EXAMINEE

34.    Invigilator will hand over Candidate’s copy of OMR Sheet after exam is over and the Original copy of OMR Sheet is SIGNED by BOTH the INVIGILATOR & the EXAMINEE

35.    OMR Sheets will not be valid unless signed on the Original copy by BOTH the INVIGILATOR & the EXAMINEE and there is imprint of the signatures on the Candidate’s copy

36.    If any examinee is found to carry ORIGINAL OMR Sheet outside the examination hall during examination or even after completion of examination, HIS/HER CANDIDATURE WILL BE CANCELLED

37.    Examinees are allowed to take away their respective Question Booklets

38.    Any examinee found using unfair means of any kind in the examination hall shall be disqualified

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