Teacher Recruitment 2024: If you are looking for a government job and you have the required qualifications, then you can apply for these vacancies. Recruitment of more than 5000 teacher posts is going on in Assam. The last date is approaching, so grab this opportunity without delay and fill the form immediately. These recruitments are done by Directorate of Primary Education, Assam. The registration for these has started long ago and the last date will come in few days. Here we are sharing details, if you are interested then fill the form immediately.
Apply from this website
Application will be online only. For this candidates have to go to the official website of Assam Department of Primary Education. To do this, DEE Assam website is – dee.assam.gov.in. From this website you can know the details and can also apply.
Vacancy details
These posts in DEE Assam are Lower Primary Teacher and Upper Primary Teacher. Candidates will be recruited for a total of 5550 posts through this recruitment drive. Out of total vacancies 1750 posts are for Upper Primary School. This vacancy is for Assistant Teacher, Science Teacher and Hindi Teacher. The remaining 3800 posts are for assistant teachers in lower primary schools. Other details can be checked from the website.
This is the last date
Applications for these posts are starting from 3rd January and last date for form filling is 2nd February, 2024. Selection will be done after several rounds of examination Candidates who pass the first stage will get admission in the next stage. As far as pay is concerned, if selected in these posts, the pay will be as per Pay Band-II. According to this, a monthly salary of 14,000 to 70,000 taka will be given.