WBCSC: Assistant Professor Recruitment Result Published, List Here - WBSSC

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Friday, 1 September 2023

WBCSC: Assistant Professor Recruitment Result Published, List Here

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WBCSC: Assistant Professor Recruitment Result Published

WBSSC: Finally, the results of the appointment of assistant professors have been published.  After a long wait, the College Service Commission (WBCSC) released the merit list of several subjects today on Friday.

The results of Political Science, History, Economics and Philosophy subjects have been declared today.

College Service Commission is conducting the recruitment process of Assistant Professors according to the advertisement of 2020.  According to the commission, about 33,000 applications have been submitted for the appointment of assistant professors.  The interview process for the recruitment of Assistant Professors for 45 subjects has already been completed.  The commission started the interview process from January 17 last year.

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