WBSSC: School Service Commission, SLST (XI-XII), SLST (IX-X), Upper Primary, TET, Teacher Recruitment - WBSSC

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Thursday, 31 August 2023

WBSSC: School Service Commission, SLST (XI-XII), SLST (IX-X), Upper Primary, TET, Teacher Recruitment

 West Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC)School Service Commission

WBSSC: West Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC)  Recommend Assistant Teacher. West Bengal SSC conduct the State Level Selection Test (SLST) for Recruitment of Assistant Teacher in Class 9, 10 & 11, 12 in Govt / Semi Govt schools of West Bengal. Official website is www.westbengalssc.com. For Latest Teacher Vacancy for of PG & Graduate Teachers please follow official website.

WB SLST Teacher Recruitment

Every year West Bengal School Service Commission conducts a SLST Examination for a Asst. Teacher post in different Secondary and Higher Secondary School. In order to participate for the Examination one should match an Eligibility criteria if WBSSC.

1. In order to be eligible for West Bengal SSC SLST Recruitment Examination one should have minimum qualification as prescribed by the department. Candidates should have done their Graduation with minimum 50% in their Examination. 

2. The age limit is 20-40 years for Assistant Teacher Posts.

SLST (XI-XII) Teachers

Eligibility Criteria for SLST (XI-XII) Teachers 

Age: Minimum 20 years and Maximum 40 years, (Age relaxation available : for SC/ST 5 years, for  OBC 3 years, for Physically Handicapped Candidates 8 years.

Educational Qualification: Post Graduate from recognized University with at least 50% marks in Post Graduation (or its equivalent). [for more eligibility options refer recruitment rule]

Essential Training: Bachelor of Education from National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) recognized institution is must.

SLST (IX-X) Teachers

Eligibility Criteria for SLST (IX-X) Teachers 

Age: Minimum 20 years and Maximum 40 years, (Age relaxation available : for SC/ST 5 years, for  OBC 3 years, for Physically Handicapped Candidates 8 years.

Educational Qualification: Graduate / Post Graduate from recognized University with at least 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (or its equivalent). [for more eligibility options refer recruitment rule]

Essential Training Qualification: Bachelor of Education from National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) recognized institution is must.

Upper Primary

Teachers of class six to eight is called upper primary teacher. In West Bengal, the criteria for becoming an upper primary teacher are as follows:

1. Educational Qualification: The candidate must have a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university.

2. Teacher Eligibility Test: The candidate must have qualified the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for Upper Primary Level conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education or any other recognized board.

3. Age Limit: The candidate must be between 18 to 40 years of age. However, age relaxation is applicable for candidates belonging to reserved categories as per the rules.

4. Language Proficiency: The candidate must have proficiency in the local language, which is Bengali in West Bengal.

5. Experience: Candidates with prior teaching experience or training in teaching may have an advantage in the selection process.

Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)

Candidates who have completed any of the following courses with a minimum of 45% marks are eligible.

● Bachelor of Arts

● Bachelor of Science

● Diploma in Education

● Bachelor of Education

● Bachelor of Science in Special Education

Final year candidates can also apply for this exam. They will have to submit the originals of mark sheet of qualifying exam when asked.

Exam Pattern of WBSSC TET

The question booklet contains two papers. Each paper comprises one hundred and fifty questions carrying one mark each.  Questions will be in objective type format. Maximum time allotted for answering all questions is one and a half hours. Candidates who are applying for Classes I to V are required to appear for Paper I. Paper II is intended for candidates who have applied for Classes VI to VIII. Candidates who have applied for Classes I to VIII will have to attend both of these papers. Paper I will contain questions from the following topics.

● Child Development and Pedagogy

● Environmental Studies

● Mathematics

● Language I

●  Language I

There will be 30 questions from each section. Paper II will cover questions from the following topics. Child Development & Pedagogy Language I Language II.

There will be 30 questions from these above mentioned topics. Apart from these, candidates who are applying for Mathematics, Science, Social Studies or Social Science will have to attempt questions from the respective subjects. Candidates who have applied for any other subject are required to appear for any of the above mentioned papers. 

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