SSC: SSC gives important notice about upper primary list, new merit list released, see - WBSSC

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Friday, 25 August 2023

SSC: SSC gives important notice about upper primary list, new merit list released, see

SSC আপার প্রাইমারি

WBSSC: School Service Commission has given an important notice about the list of upper primary.  SSC has uploaded the merit list on the website after making some corrections.  In some subjects the list in female category was not attached.  Only male/female was mentioned.  Female should also be listed, although it was not in the previous list.  Besides, some other things have been corrected.

The SSC notice said, it is hereby brought to the notice of all concerned that the uploaded information required under some classification panel/wait list is not properly reflected in the multi-ranking system.  There was some error in the list dated 23.08.2023 due to technical error.  Various sections of respective panel/waitlist have been uploaded including that.  It is further informed that one's score or relative rank of candidates has not changed in the new list.

Provisional Panel and Waiting list in c/w Notice vide Memo No.905/6723(IV)/CSSC/ESTT/2023 Dated: 25.08.2023.      

Click here to view the Panel    

Click here to view the Waitlist    

Notice vide Memo No.905/6723(IV)/CSSC/ESTT/2023 Dated: 25.08.2023.      

Click here to view the Notice    

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