Recruitment to 11,765 vacancies, Board to exclude B.ED. trainees from panel, Source Say - WBSSC

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Sunday, 13 August 2023

Recruitment to 11,765 vacancies, Board to exclude B.ED. trainees from panel, Source Say

Gautam Pal, president of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education

WBSSC: BED (Bachelor of Education) will not get a job as a teacher in primary schools.  Only those with DELED (Diploma in Elementary Education) and D.Ed (Diploma in Education) training can participate in primary teaching.  The highest court of the country, the Supreme Court, gave such a verdict on Friday.

Calcutta High Court's single bench judgment was quashed.  Also dismiss NCTE's (National Council for Teacher Education) Gazette Notification dated 28 June 2018.  It said that one can apply for a teaching job if one passes the B.ED. course from an NCTE approved institution.

Again, the DELED trainees approached the Supreme Court against the appointment of BEd trainees in the primary.  A division bench headed by Justice Aniruddha Basu on Friday ruled that only DEDs are eligible for recruitment as primary teachers.  B.Ed trainees can teach from 6th to 12th standard.  In this situation, the Board of Primary Education says, in this order, those with BED training should be excluded from the panel.

50% marks in Higher Secondary and DELED courses are eligible for Primary TET.  But the NCTE notification says that those who have BED training can become teachers in primary (first to fifth class).  But within two years of getting a job, they have to do a bridge course of six months.  The Supreme Court canceled this notification.

When Gautam Pal, president of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, was asked, he said, "From what I have heard, the Supreme Court has said to take DELED in primary and BED in upper primary and secondary level.  We will work according to the order of the court.

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