Primary Head Teacher Recruitment in West Bengal: Salary, Qualification, details here - WBSSC

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Thursday, 3 August 2023

Primary Head Teacher Recruitment in West Bengal: Salary, Qualification, details here

Selection and Appointment of Primary Head Teacher

Selection and Appointment of Primary Head Teacher

WBSSC: Assistant Teacher in Government Aided/Government Sponsored/Junior Basic Primary School completing at least five years of continuous service and possessing requisite minimum educational and professional qualifications as specified in NCTE gazette notification 2010 (25/08/2010), 2011 (02/08/2011), and 2014 (16/12/2014)., and Assistant teacher who has appointed before 3rd September, 2001 with Madhyamik Pass qualification or equivalent and 1 year Junior Basic Training Certificate or Primary Teachers' Training Certificate or equivalent shall be eligible to be appointed and designated as Head Teacher, subject to-

i. satisfying the required seniority criterion.,

ii. satisfying the required mark as provided in section 2.2.,


iii. an assessment by a duly constituted interaction committee as provided in section 2.2.4.

1. Selecting & Appointing Authority

The Chairperson of the concerned District Primary School Council (DPSC)/Kolkata Primary School Council (KPSC)/Siliguri Primary School Council (SPSC) shall be the selecting & appointing authority of the Head Teacher.

1.1. The DPSC/KPSC/SPSC shall appoint a Head Teacher in a Govt. Aided and Govt. Sponsored Primary School/Junior Basic School from a panel prepared for the district on merit. Head Teacher shall be appointed by the Council strictly on merit-based counselling process medium wise as per vacancy position.

1.2. The DPSC/PSC shall appoint Head Teacher in Primary School/Junior Basic School within its jurisdiction in accordance with vacancy declared.

1.3. An empanelled person selected for the post of Head Teacher shall join his post within a specified period as determined by the DPSC/PSC, failing to which his/her appointment may be cancelled and his/her name may be struck off from the panel without any further communication, and the person whose name appears next in the panel prepared for the purpose shall be appointed and posted as Head Teacher in that post.

2.1. Inviting Applications

The concerned DPSC/PSC, for filling up of vacancies, shall invite applications in a specified format (Appendix-1) through online portal from serving eligible Assistant Teachers in Primary Schools of the District of present posting only by making a notification in the website of the Council and/or in at least two widely circulating regional or national level newspapers published in the State on payment of a requisite non-refundable fee through online mode. In no cases inter-district applications will be entertained to confine the appointment in the district under the jurisdiction of a District Primary School Council/Primary School Council.

2.2. Selection Procedure

2.2.1. The in-service Assistant Teacher intending to become a Head Teacher shall submit last 03 (three) years self-appraisal reports (separately for 03 years) (Appendix-2) along with his/her application. The self-appraisal report as mentioned in Appendix-2 shall contain (A) Teaching. Learning, and Evaluation related activities, and (8) Student related Co-Curricular, Extension and Professional Development related activities.

2.2.2. The total marks for Category (A) shall be 30 (thirty) (10 per year). The qualifying marks from this category shall be 18 (eighteen for 3 years). The applicant shall submit self-assessed report (candidate shall put marks himself/herself) and the report shall be verified and authenticated by the DI and two /three Sls of each Circle of the concerned District under the direct control of the DPSC/PSC.

The total marks for Category (B) shall be 20 (twenty). This format shall be assessed by the candidate himself/herself also. The qualifying marks from this category shall be 12 (twelve). The self-assessed format and marks given shall be verified and authenticated by the Di and Sis of each Circle of the concerned District under the direct control and supervision of the DPSC/PSC.

2.2.3. The total marks for experience in teaching shall be fifty. The candidate shall acquire five marks per year up to a maximum of fifty in the experience category.

2.2.4. The applicant shall be invited for interaction before a Committee, comprising at least three experts from Secondary/Higher Secondary Schools/Colleges/Universities. The performance of the candidate shall be awarded by letter grades: A (excellent), B (very good), C (good) and D (average).

2.2.5. The sum total of marks for assessment of an applicant intending to become a Head Teacher shall be 100 (hundred) and the qualifying marks shall be 60 (sixty) for empanelment.

2.3. Preparation of Panel

The DPSC/PSC shall prepare a merit panel of selected candidates/persons from the qualified candidates/persons for appointment to the posts of Head Teacher for the district separately in consonance with medium of schools. The DPSC/PSC shall also prepare waiting list comprising all non-selected qualified candidates for the district.

3. Approval and Recommendation of the Panel 

The specified committee of the DPSC/PSC shall approve the merit panel of Head Teachers. The said committee shall also approve the waiting panel consisting of all non-selected qualified candidates. The waiting panel shall remain valid normally for one year from the date of approval by the DPSC/PSC. The DPSC/PSC may extend the validity of such panel after expiry of one year by six months at a time, but the total period of such extension shall not exceed for a period of one year.

4. Appointment of Teacher-in-Charge

The DPSC/PSC may utilize the services of senior most Assistant Teacher in a Primary School/Junior Basic School as the Teacher-in-Charge, as a temporary arrangement for a maximum period of six months at a time, when a panel of Head Teachers is not ready or the post of Head Teacher in the School is lying vacant for a considerable period of time, provided that such Teacher-in-Charge shall hand of charge of the Office to the Head Teacher from the date the Head Teacher appointment. 


What is the qualification for WB primary head teacher?

Assistant Teacher in Government Aided/Government Sponsored/Junior Basic Primary School completing at least five years of continuous service and possessing requisite minimum educational and professional qualifications as specified in NCTE gazette notification 2010 (25/08/2010), 2011 (02/08/2011), and 2014 (16/12/2014)., and Assistant teacher who has appointed before 3rd September, 2001 with Madhyamik Pass qualification or equivalent and 1 year Junior Basic Training Certificate or Primary Teachers' Training Certificate or equivalent shall be eligible to be appointed and designated as Head Teacher. 

Who Can Benefit from Primary Head Teacher Recruitment in West Bengal?

Assistant Teacher in Government Aided/Government Sponsored/Junior Basic Primary School completing at least five years of continuous service and possessing requisite minimum educational and professional qualifications. 

What Are the Requirements for Primary Head Teacher Recruitment in West Bengal?

Completing at least five years of continuous service as a primary school teacher of Government Aided/Government Sponsored/Junior Basic Primary School is the minimum requirements. 

Who Qualifies for Primary Head Teacher Recruitment in West Bengal?

The sum total of marks for assessment of an applicant intending to become a Head Teacher shall be 100 (hundred) and the qualifying marks shall be 60 (sixty) for empanelment. 

What is the Task of Primary Head School Teacher?

Manage and coordinate the educational, administrative and financial affairs of a school. Supervise staff, including managers, support staff, teachers, counselors, librarians, etc. Enforce discipline within the school.

What is the salary of primary teacher headmaster in West Bengal?

Average Government of West Bengal Headmaster salary is ₹5 Lakhs. Headmaster salary at Government of West Bengal India ranges between ₹ 4.0 Lakhs to ₹9.6 Lakhs. According to our estimates it is 10% less than the average Headmaster Salary in Government Companies.

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