PhD: Notice for admission in Ph.D. Programmes West Bengal - WBSSC

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Sunday, 6 August 2023

PhD: Notice for admission in Ph.D. Programmes West Bengal

 PhD admission

WBSSC: It is hereby notified for all concerned that applications are invited from eligible Male Candidates, in the prescribed form, for admission in Ph.D programmes in "Swami Vivekananda Centre for Multidisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences and Social Sciences" college under West Bengal State University (WBSU) for the academic session 2023-24.

The candidates may download the Application Form from the college website. Filled up form is to be submitted along with the application fee receipt (NEFT receipt) of Rs.1500/- through bank Transfer NEFT to the following link from 29.07.2023 to 11.08.2023.

List of subject-wise vacancy for Ph.D. Degree is as follows

Botany 08 (Reservation as per Govt. rules)

Mathematics 12 (Reservation as per Govt. rules)

Zoology 04 (Reservation as per Govt. rules)

Chemistry 03 (Reservation as per Govt. rules)

Physics 02 (Reservation as per Govt. rules)

Candidates in the general category will have to secure at least 55% ( 5% relaxation for reserved categories) at the Master's level to be eligible for admission in this programme.

The College shall conduct a Research Entrance Test (RET) for the above mentioned Ph.D. programme after issuing appropriate notification. The Research Entrance Test will consist of two parts i.e. written test & interview. 

The written test of 200 marks will be of two parts. The First Part will be compulsory for all students consisting of 100 marks (50 Multiple Choice Objective Questions of two marks each) which will be based on Research Methodology. The Second Part will be the subject paper of 100 marks (50 Multiple Choice Objective Questions of two marks each in the subject concerned. 

Candidates who will qualify in the written test will have to face an interview of 50 marks.  A candidate will qualify for the interview only if he scores 50% or more in the written test (both compulsory and subject paper).

The list of eligible candidates for Research Entrance Test (RET) shall be displayed in the college website and the Schedule of test shall also be notified. Candidates with NET/SET/GATE qualifications will be exempted from the RET (Written part). However, they will have to appear in interview.

The list of successful candidates eligible for admission in Ph.D. programme will be notified in the college website in due time after interview.

The selected candidates will have to deposit a fee of Rs. 15000/- (Rupees twelve thousand only) at the time of admission in the Ph.D. programme of the college. It is to be noted that this fee is the Course Fee including Registration Fee for Ph.D.

Important dates for the Ph.D Admission

Dates of issuing forms: 29.07.2023 to 11.08.2023

Date of submission of forms: 29.07.2023 to 11.08.2023

Date of Written Test: 14.08.2022

Date of display of the list for successful candidates for Interview: 17.08.2023

Other matter

1. Admission is open to Male students only. Issue of an application-form does not mean any guarantee for admission of the applicant to the college. 

2. Incomplete application-forms will not be considered.

3.  hostel accommodation will be available.

4. All Original testimonials/documents must be produced at the time of admission.

Link for submission of the Form and Fees Receipt:

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