Librarian Vacancy 737, Exam Date Announced by Minister, Know the Date - WBSSC

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Thursday, 3 August 2023

Librarian Vacancy 737, Exam Date Announced by Minister, Know the Date

Vacancy of Librarian

WBSSC: The application process has already been completed after the notification has been published.  Now the exam date has been announced.  737 Vacancy of Librarian, state exam will be held on 27th August.  Library Minister Siddikullah Chowdhury said this.  The Minister informed this news during the question and answer session of the Legislative Assembly on Thursday.

At present various government libraries in the state are suffering from staff crisis.  Staff has not been appointed for a long time.  As a result, many rural libraries are facing closure.  However, the state government is going to start the recruitment process again.  Recruitment process will start soon.

Library Minister Siddiqullah Chowdhury said that the number of libraries in the state is 2,440.  Out of them, 13 are direct government libraries, 19 are urban libraries.  Besides, there are 2,209 rural libraries.  In all, the total number of employees is 5,600.  Currently, the number of vacancies is 1,400.

In this context, the departmental minister announced the organization of examination for the post of librarian this month.  The minister claimed that all the processes will be completed soon.  Recruitment process will be completed after Puja.

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