Big news in the recruitment of assistant professors, when will the panel be published? Janenine is great news - WBSSC

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Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Big news in the recruitment of assistant professors, when will the panel be published? Janenine is great news

assistant professors

WBSSC: Big news in the recruitment of assistant professors!  The College Service Commission has started the process of publishing the panel.  According to sources, the College Service Commission has also decided when the panel for the appointment of assistant professor will be released.

The process of recruitment of Assistant Professors is also going on by the College Service Commission.  Through this, assistant professors will be appointed in general colleges of the state.  According to the commission sources, the panel may be published by the College Service Commission at the end of this month or from the beginning of September.  In that case, the panel of subjects in which comparatively less applicants will be released first.  That is the news according to the College Service Commission.  The interview process is already over.

Meanwhile, 25 State Eligibility Test or SET (SET 2023) exam notification has been published.  Applications can be made from August 1 to August 31 this year.  Exam will be on 17th December 2023.  West Bengal College Service Commission or WBCSC for short has announced this date.

The State Eligibility Test (SET) will be held on 17th December, 2023 (Sunday) to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for the qualification of Assistant Professor in West Bengal only.  WBCSC will conduct SET in 33 subjects at selected examination centers in various districts.

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