Extreme corruption in SSC recruitment, statistics came out! Group C, Group-D, 9th-10th, 11th-12th have not seen the calculations - WBSSC

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Sunday, 30 July 2023

Extreme corruption in SSC recruitment, statistics came out! Group C, Group-D, 9th-10th, 11th-12th have not seen the calculations


WBSSC: Sensational information is coming out one after another about recruitment corruption in the state.  The primary teachers' board teacher recruitment corruption along with the School Service Commission's extreme recruitment corruption is at the center of discussion.  In the meantime, a surprising information came to light.  Almost 100 percent corruption in Group C recruitment of SSC.  CBI sources are getting such news. 

It is as if recruitment in the state is involved in the labyrinth of corruption.  From OMR fraud to panel outages in teacher recruitment corruption, the scenario of rampant corruption is unfolding.  Thousands of corruption in teacher recruitment?  Such information is coming to light.  Be it from 9th-10th to 11th-12th or Group-C recruitment, panel to OMR ― corruption has just happened!  This is what some of the eligible job candidates are complaining about.

SSC Group C: Total recruitment in Group C is 2 thousand 37 candidates.  OMR confusion of 3 thousand 481 people.  Recruitment of 1 thousand 715 people without being in any list.  381 people have been appointed from the expired panel.

SSC Group D: Total recruitment in Group D is 4 thousand 487.  OMR confusion of 2 thousand 823 people.  Recruitment of 141 people without being in any list.  607 persons have been appointed from the expired panel.

SSC 9th-10th: 9th-10th total recruitment of 11 thousand 425 candidates.  OMR mess of 952 people.  Appointment of 52 people without being in any list.  183 people have been appointed from the expired panel.

SSC 11th-12th: 11th-12th total recruitment of 5 thousand 500 candidates.  OMR mess of 907 people.  39 people have been appointed from the expired panel.  In other words, it can be said that there is extreme corruption at every level.

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