EWS Certificate: How to get EWS certificate in West Bengal, Eligibility for EWS Certificate - WBSSC

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Saturday, 29 July 2023

EWS Certificate: How to get EWS certificate in West Bengal, Eligibility for EWS Certificate


WBSSC: The rules have been changed regarding giving EWS Certificate.  OBC candidates of the state will also get the EWS certificate.  OBC applicants who are not in the Central List can also apply for EWS Certificate.  State published important notification regarding EWS certificate.  Apart from generals, those who belong to OBC, but are not in the central list can also apply.

Let us know today what is EWS Certificate, EWS Certificate Benefits, Eligibility, Application Procedure along with required documents in detail-


 EWS Certificate

What is the full form of EWS?

 The full form of EWS is Economically Weaker Section (EWS).  Which in English means 'Economically Weak Section'.

What is EWS Certificate?

 EWS certificate is introduced for economically backward or weaker general castes.  Where 10 percent seats are reserved in government jobs and educational institutions under this category.

What are the benefits of EWS?

 EWS certificate holders get 10 percent reservation in government jobs and educational institutions.

What is Eligibility for EWS Certificate?

 Must belong to general category.  OBC should not be in Central List.

 Family income should be less than 8 lakh rupees per annum.

 Residential flats in the city should be less than 1000 sq.ft.

 In Gram Panchayat area should be less than 200 sq.ft.

 The family should have less than 5 acres of agricultural land.

How to apply for EWS certificate?

 EWS Certificate must be applied through offline mode.

 The application form should be filled correctly by downloading the offline form.

 Necessary documents should be attached with the filled application form.

 Then submit.

Documents Required for EWS Certificate Application

 Voter card

 PAN card

 Birth certificate or Madhyamik admit card as proof of age

 Proof of Permanent Resident of self and parents

 Land and property documents

 Self declaration letter

 West Bengal EWS Certificate Application Form Download


FAQs about EWS Certificate

How to apply EWS Certificate in West Bengal?

 The application process for EWS recognition in West Bengal is offline.  Attach all to your BDO/SDO office.

What are the reservation criteria for the EWS category?

 As per West Bengal government rules, EWS category candidates will get 10% seat reservation in every government institution, job, and other fields.

Can I download the EWS certificate online in West Bengal?

 You cannot download the EWS certificate online.  Issuing authority will issue an EWS certificate after the verification of all documents.

How to Check EWS Certificate Application Status Online?

 EWS is not available online to check the status of the certificate applications.

 How long does it take to get a new EWS certificate?

 Generally, it takes 15 to 20 days to get an EWS certificate in West Bengal.

West Bengal EWS Certificate Application formDownload

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